It looks like visitors to a heath and woodland site in Bordon have caught the outdoor bug.
They may be small but creepy crawlies were the big attraction when The Back Yard Bug Experience recently pitched up at Hogmoor Inclosure.
They teamed up with the Deadwater Valley Trust and the South Downs National Park Authority to showcase the wonderful world of insects and less-cuddly creatures to visitors.
Families got the chance to learn about tarantulas, stick insects and snakes during the August 5 event at the beauty spot.
DWT community ranger Julie Reid shared some of her own examples and information about the bugs and insects found locally while organising bug and craft activities.
Visitors also joined SNDP rangers Elinor and Olivia for some on-site bug hunting using sweep nets to showcase the insects living around Hogmoor. The experience caused a few to jump as they came across one of the largest wasp spiders they had ever found.

While some adults kept a discreet distance the children were less cautious and showed no fear of getting up close and slithery with some of the reptiles and insects.
They were all surprised by the delicacy of tarantulas and the deadly aspect of some centipedes, with the DVT team and their partners keen to hold another bug event at Hogmoor in the coming weeks.
There’s some good news for the squeamish as a festival featuring much cuter animals will soon return to another DVT site.
The Sunset Festival will return to Bordon Inclosure on Saturday, August 31, offering food, music and crafts under the leaf-light.
An afternoon that includes cute animals and storytelling with Mr Kipling the donkey will be followed by an open-air performance of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night as the sun sets.
Tickets are available through the Phoenix at