Two paintings were created in under two hours by Jake Winkle as he gave the February demonstration to Alton Art Society at the Assembly Rooms.

The first was a cow in watercolour. Jake explained his choice of the colours he always uses, including the primaries of red, yellow and blue plus secondaries of a brown and green.

His style is loose and flowing with spattering. He never uses black but mixes a near black with blue and brown and uses white gouache for any highlights. Diagonal brush strokes were added to give energy.

After the break he painted a hare with lost edges to give interest. Jake gave 60 members a wonderful demonstration which was interesting, clear and informative.  

The next demonstration is at the Assembly Rooms on March 16 at 2.30pm. Wendy Jelbert will show how to paint a floral garden in watercolour. Admission free for members, £5 for non-members.