A FORTNIGHT ago a meeting was held between Paul Follows, leader of Waverley Borough Council and Chris Grimes, chairman of Sports Haslemere. 

At the meeting assurances were given about Waverley’s commitment to finding a solution, and apologies that nothing had been done. Cllr Follows said within the fortnight, he would arrange a meeting between the councils involved, which Chris Grimes would be invited to. 

But the clock has ticked down, the 14 days are up, and no meeting has been arranged. 

Chris Grimes said he has given up hope that Waverley will help re-open The Edge – a facility sorely needed by the schools, clubs and community. 

A briefing note to the leader of Surrey County Council (SCC) stated: It continues to be committed to enabling the re-opening of The Edge. 

The short to-mid-term solution is that SCC grants Weydon Multi Academy Trust permission to occupy The Edge and an astro-turf pitch, but the terms of this agreement have yet to be reached. 

Meanwhile, the schools might be back but The Edge is still closed.