Farnham's hospice care charity Phyllis Tuckwell is inviting anyone who would like to remember a loved one, to come along to its Light up a Life service outside Guildford Cathedral on Sunday, December 10, at 7.45pm.

Light up a Life is held every year in the lead up to Christmas, to remember loved ones who have died, and to offer comfort and support to their friends and family at what can be a difficult time.

The service will include readings and carols, and the image of a Christmas tree will be projected onto the front of the Cathedral building. During the service the lights on the tree will be ‘switched on’, in memory of those who have died.

Anyone who would like to can also make a dedication in memory of their loved one. Their loved one’s name will be projected onto the front of Guildford Cathedral after the service, until 10.30pm that evening.

It will also be printed in the Order of Service, which will be given out that evening, and published on Phyllis Tuckwell’s website, where it can be downloaded. The service and dedications are open to everyone, whether their loved one was cared for by Phyllis Tuckwell or not.

All of the money received through these dedications will go towards helping Phyllis Tuckwell continue caring for local patients and families who need the supportive and end of life care it provides. 

Every day it supports over 250 patients, relatives and carers, through medical and nursing care, therapies, counselling, social work advice and practical support. However, as the NHS/Government usually only covers about 20 per cent of its costs, it has to raise over £25,000 a day to do this.

If you would like to make a dedication, visit www.pth.org.uk/lual. All dedications must be made by Friday, November 24 in order to be included in the Order of Service and the Cathedral projection. 

If you are unable to attend the service, you can watch the live stream at www.pth.org.uk/lual2023.

“Christmas can be a time when we feel our loved one’s absence even more than usual,” said Maria Abellan, patient, family & carer support team manager at Phyllis Tuckwell.

“Our Light up a Life service offers a poignant way for people to come together to remember and celebrate their loves ones’ lives, and we do hope that you are able to attend. As the service will be held outside, please do wrap up warmly and bring a torch.” 

Light up a Life is kindly being sponsored by Right at Home. The Light up a Life service is being held at the Cathedral this year as Phyllis Tuckwell is currently building a new, larger, state-of-the-art hospice on its existing site in Farnham, to enable it to care for more people who need its support. Construction should be complete to enable Phyllis Tuckwell to move into the new hospice by January 2026.

For more information on Light up a Life, visit www.pth.org.uk/lual2023