The Grayshott Community Orchard Project (GCOP) has gone from strength to strength and has been highlighted by Hampshire County Council.

For more than 2 years, the community and the Hampshire Forest Partnership have worked together to transform an overgrown area into a flourishing green space. In that time, 4.6km of hedgerows and 21,000 trees outside of woodlands have been planted.

Project Officer Liz Keeling says: “This project was run by the community, for the community and we are creating a green space for people to come here, connect with each other and connect with nature.

“We’re also creating a fantastic green space that will support nature and boost biodiversity.”

Volunteers planting the hedging whips
Volunteers planting the hedging whips (GCOP) (GCOP)

GCOP chairman Bob Greggs hopes bigger events will be able to run at the orchard in the future such as apple pressing as the trees start to produce fruit.

Alongside apple trees there are pear, medlar, almond, cherry, quince, plum, damson and apricot. There are specific plants to attract wildlife and to encourage foraging in the future.

The Hampshire Forest Partnership was created in 2022 to get communities more involved in woodlands and to plant more green life. The Partnership hopes to plant one million trees by 2050 and to increase its reach across the county.

The orchard is located near the back of the recreation ground and the gates are user-friendly for everyone.

If you would like to join as a volunteer, email [email protected] or go to