Twenty-four members of the Haslemere U3A local history group visited the Mubarak Mosque in Tilford.

The site, originally owned by Waverley Abbey in 1128, later housed the Sheephatch Camp School before being bought and redeveloped by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.

U3A member Fay Foster said: “The mosque’s unique architectural features are designed to blend it into its natural environment.

“The organic form of the roof is corrugated with 32 fins, and windows in each of these give an amazing natural light to the structure.

“The inside is all white, the decoration coming from black roundels and calligraphy. All the group remarked on the atmosphere of peace and calm while seated within the large airy building.

“The two young tour guides were then willing to answer loads of questions on many subjects. All left with a greater knowledge of Islam and respect for the aims and philosophy of the Ahmadiyya community.”